
2010-01-25 11:23:45 / 0 kommentarer kommentera inlägget?..

måste bara lägga in den här låten, det är en tjej som gick på treälvsskolan
förut. och hennes röst... gaaah..

(from youtube.)"I really like this song and thats why I choosed to record it,
it's a little bit to high for me to sing but atleast I tried :O
some parts are not so good and some parts are better..
Please, PLEASE leave a comment if you like - or dislike somthing,
anything or everything about it! :)

I thought it would be a bit empty with just my voice so I added a
little slideshow for you to watch as you listen. I hope you'll enjoy :)
I quite happy with it.. quite ;)

//Amanda (kakan"


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